Catalogs & Brochures
You can download our catalogs and brochures as PDF versions here. Printed versions of catalogs and brochures can be ordered by calling 888-860-7673.

Pelican Catalog

Arborist Supply

Rigging Products Catalog

Safety Products Catalog

Orion Registrar ISO Certification
Fiber Rope Care

Inspection & Retirement Criteria

Recommended Safety Practices

Uncoiling Rope Warning
Inspection Sheets

Rope Inspection Log

Safety Inspection Card
Fiber Data Sheets & Literature

Dyneema Fact Sheet

Dyneema Technical Brochure

Dyneema Cruise Ship Literature

DuPont™ Kevlar® K-29 AP

DuPont™ Kevlar® Technical Guide

DuPont™ Kevlar® XP