
Shoeless Vampire Landlovers: 5 Tips For Being A Guest On Your Friend’s Boat

Jun 5th 2021

Shoeless Vampire Landlovers: 5 Tips For Being A Guest On Your Friend’s Boat

If you are a land lover and getting ready to visit your friends on a boat, you should definitely brush on your boat etiquette.  Here are five tips to avoid embarrassing your date and to make sure that you get invited back to visit again.

1. Take Off Your Shoes, Sasquatch

Before you get on someone else’s boat, you should always take off your shoes. It’s not purely a ceremonial gesture, but it will help you avoid getting dirt from the land and scuff marks on their boat.

The only caveat to this rule is if you have a special pair of boat shoes that are only worn on board, it is socially acceptable to wear them. This is a good tip if you are self conscious about your toenails or hairy feet.

2. Be Like A Vampire

Vampires are generally seen as jerks, mostly because they suck people’s blood. They do get one thing right though; they always ask for permission before entering someone’s house.

You should do this too. The polite phrase to say is, “Permission to board?” You should then wait until permission is officially granted before you step your shoeless foot on the boat.

3. Bring Good Food, Bring Good Drinks, Bring Extra

You don’t want to show up as a guest empty handed. It never hurts to ask the owners of the boat what types of food and drink they like.

If you are bringing alcohol, ask about hard liquor before you bring it. You also may want to ask about red wine as it has the potential to cause stains.

In terms of quantity, you will want to bring enough food and drink to share. Bring about twice as much as you and your guest plan on consuming.

4. Don’t Pee Off The Side Of The Boat & Don’t Be The Naked Guy

In some ways, it seems like both of these points should be common sense, but these are rules of basic etiquette that people need a reminder of more than you may expect, especially after the alcohol has started taking over the party.

Peeing off the side of the boat is gross for various reasons.

In terms of nudity, NEVER be the first person to take off your clothing on a boat.

5. Ask Before Flushing

This is the least obvious rule of boat etiquette. When you are getting your tour of the boat, ask for instructions on the rules of the restroom. Ask if toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet or discarded in a trash can as this can cause potential plumbing issues.

You will likely be given instructions on both what can be flushed and how to flush things down the toilet. Listen closely.

Land Ho!

Now that you have brushed up on your social etiquette for guests on a boat, make sure you stock up on things you need. Grab some sun screen (which, by the way, should be put on before getting on the boat to avoid making a mess), make sure you pack some warm clothing, and maybe grab some binoculars.

Remember that a man or woman’s boat is going to be their pride and joy and you want to treat them and the boat with respect.

Now go have some fun!