
Top 10 Good Communication Skills Every Arborist Should Know Before Starting A Job

Feb 8th 2021

Top 10 Good Communication Skills Every Arborist Should Know Before Starting A Job

Sometimes for people who like to climb and work with their hands, actions speak louder than words.

While that is easy to understand, there are some communication skills that are absolutely critical to being a good arborist.

An understanding of these communication skills is guaranteed to give you an edge in the workplace.

Related Article: 10 Lessons You Can Learn From Arborists

1. Be Polite But Assertive With Customers

It SHOULD be common sense, but it’s not as common as it should be… never be rude to a customer. Don’t curse at them, don’t yell, don’t roll your eyes. If you are pissed or frustrated they should never know.

With that being said, there needs to be a balance. While you stay calm and collected, also be assertive. If your client is making requests or demands that are unrealistic, don’t agree to them.

Also, importantly, if a customer is asking you to do something that will damage a tree or their property, say “I am sorry, but I can’t do that. I am looking forward to figuring out a solution together, but my integrity is on the line here.”

Agreeing to doing irresponsible work may make you a couple bucks in the short term, but it can damage your reputation and put you at odds with your own ethical code.

2. Buck Up, Buttercup

When you are on the job, you should expect teasing, playful jabs, and straight up ball-busting. If you can’t take it, learn to take it.

As long as nobody is being truly disrespectful or intentionally hurtful, try to take people playing around as a sign of affection.  Of course, if someone legitimately crosses a line and tries to belittle you, that needs to be addressed one way or another.

But going back to the point…One of the greatest paradigms in life is that you need to keep your sense of humor to be taken seriously by most people.

3. Take Feedback Without Arguing

When someone gives you constructive feedback, what is your natural reaction? Do you listen and try to learn from it? Or do you want to defend yourself? If you are not taking these opportunities to better yourself, you are messing up.

You may not always have people around that want to help you be better. Don’t let these chances go.

4. Never Underestimate Or Underuse Ground Workers

Not everyone is going to give the respect to ground workers that they deserve, but you should. 

If you are able to establish good communication with the guys on the ground, your jobs will go more smoothly and efficiently and you may develop new friendships.

5. Ask Customers Important Questions

It can be tempting to keep conversations with customers as short as possible, but there is a lot that you can learn from talking to them in more depth.

When you are discussing a job with a customer, never be afraid to ask questions.

These are opportunities for you to learn about potential job hazards, customer expectations, and their priorities.

6. Be Prepared To Explain Why It Is Worth It To Pay More Money For More Reputable Workers

If a potential customer comes to you with a job bid from a competitor that you cannot match without compromising the quality of your work, tell them that you can’t match their offer.

Then explain to them why quality work is more expensive.

This may mean that you initially don’t get the job, but when your competitor inevitably delivers crappy work, they are very likely to come back to you to clean up the mess.

In these cases, you can usually count on developing a solid relationship with a returning customer.

7. Continue Communicating With Clients, Even When A Project Is Running Behind

It can really be nerve racking to have uncomfortable conversations with customers. You may have to tell them that a job is not going to be finished on time. If you avoid these conversations though, you are going to end up looking like a flake.

Would you rehire someone who is unreliable and cowardly? Neither will they.

8. Be Confident In Communicating With Utility Companies, Urban Planners, And Outside Contractors

Do you want to stay exactly where you started, or would you rather work your way up to being a supervisor or foreman?

One of the most sought after skills in a foreman is being able to have conversations with professionals outside of their company. If you can learn these skills early on, it will help you on your track to earning respect and future promotions. 

9. Understand The Importance Of Respecting The Chain Of Commands

Do you remember what they say about too many cooks hanging out in the kitchen?

It may seem sometimes like you know more than your supervisors. Sometimes you may actually be right.

At the end of the day though, if some people are following instructions and others are not, it will end with chaos and added hazards to a job site.

You also will piss people off who may be deciding how well you will be paid in the future.

10. Listen First, Then Speak With Intention

Never interrupt anyone who you are speaking to on a job. Even if you know what they are about to say, it is worth the few seconds longer that it takes for them to finish their thoughts. This will make them feel respected. Sometimes they may even surprise you and you may learn something.

Once you are done listening, think before you speak. Take the time to figure out how to say what you are trying to say the right way. Pause when you are speaking to add emphasis. It may help sometimes to stand while you are talking to make your voice stronger.

Above all you want to make sure people know you are hearing them and that there is value in them hearing you.

Honorable Mention: Don’t Forget To Give Your Brothers & Sisters A Pat On The Back

If you have ever been having a bad day, and then had someone notice how hard you are working, you know that sometimes this can be enough to get you through the rest of the day.

If you compliment your coworkers, they will feel better about themselves. This will make them work harder. They will also like you more. This will make your day better.

Let’s Check Back And Talk More

We just dumped a bunch of words on you. It seemed like we were gonna give you ten tips and then we surprised you with eleven. Hopefully, that is OK.

If you take nothing else from this article, remember that the way that you listen to people is just as important as what you say, and that the way that you say anything is just as important as the message itself.